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Eimii performed with Ngati Ranana, Kohanga and Beats of Polynesia at this years Ngati Ranana Christmas Concert. Kate also showed up as a manu and danced to her own beat with Kohanga and Beats of Polynesia! :)
Michelle (and Kate) were up until 3am finishing Eimii's Korowai!
Eimii wasn't up until 3am helping finish her Korowai. Here Eimii is using a traditional hot glue gun to glue feathers on to the fabric.
Eimii and her traditional contemporary Korowai, performing with Kohanga as Papatuanuku.
Kate waiting for her turn!
Kate and Josiah.
Our little kiwi. A quick trip to a local fabric shop, some long feather boa's and viola, one kiwi costume! :)
Our big girl making us proud, Eimii performing with Ngati Ranana!