The Boswells in Europe

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2 September 2006 - The Red Bull Air Race

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We had tried to get tickets to the Red Bull Air Race last year with no luck. However this year was a different story! This year we managed to get tickets alright. However not long after leaving the motor way we hit traffic problems! We got to a round about, turn right and Bath was a mere 9 miles away, turn left and Longleat (where the race was) was only 4 miles away.

Photo courtesy of Jason.

Someone with a sense of humour! After six hours in the car there wasn't much smiling going on, not until we saw this sign :)
What we hadn't we hadn't reckoned on was the problems 80,000 other vehicles would have on the route in to Longleat. This being England meant that even in traffic that was virtually standing still there were still car crashes, which lead to major delays! Eventually, 6 hours after leaving home, we got to Longleat only to be greeted by a steady stream of people leaving the grounds!
Lovely English summer weather of the sub antarctic kind! The picture on the right is what you get when a million people are trying to leave after the event was cancelled because of bad weather!

Photo courtesy of Jason.

Photo courtesy of Jason.

Thankfully the ride home wasn't nearly as long as the drive to Longleat earlier in the day. Compared to the the drive in to Longleat, for us to leave took what felt like a matter of minutes.

We must have been lucky though because plenty of people on the radio were telling everyone they were settling in for a long wait to get out of their car park!

Not sure what this guy is watching, but it certainly wasn't planes racing in the sky!
If only!